Dutch landrace goat is a domestic breed. The other name of this breed is Nederlandse Landgeit. These gats are not mainly used for commercial purposes. The origin of this breed is Netherland. The other landrace European breeds found in Scandinavia or feral goats found in Great Britain resemble a lot with Dutch landrace breed goats. The original Dutch landrace breed was become rare and only two goats were left in 1958. Then these two original goats were bred with the most resembling breeds of goats. And that’s how the population of these goats was increased.
Dutch landrace goats are not used for commercial purposes. These goats may give birth to their kids twice a year. The lactation period of these goats may last up to 284 days. The amount of milk produced is not enough to do a commercial business. The milk of Dutch landrace goat is germ free and very beneficial for children. The multi vitamins present in the milk of these goats are very beneficial for kids. These goats have the tolerance to survive in extreme conditions. These goats are strong animals and do not fall ill soon.
Dutch landrace goat is a medium sized goat. The weight is also not too much. The average weight of male Dutch landrace goat is 80 lbs. whereas the average weight of female Dutch landrace goat is 60 lbs. there is a minor difference in the weight of both male and female goats.
Dutch landrace goat has medium size and the weight is also normal. There is a minor difference in the weight of both the genders. The male Dutch landrace goat is almost 65 cm in height whereas a female Dutch landrace is almost 60 cm in height.
Dutch landrace goat is a special domestic goat which can survive in the extreme climate. The gestation period of these goats is of 150 days and can give birth to their kids twice a year. These goats have an average milk yield. The horns of these breeds are long, unique and strong. The horns are medium in length. The life span of these goats is average. These goats can bear all types of climate extremities. The available colors of these goats are brown, grey and creamy. They have silky texture of their fur coat.
Dutch landrace goat breed is count as rare breed. The origin of these goats is Netherlands. This breed cannot be used for commercial purpose because the milk production as well as meat production is average. Their fur coat is even not mainly used for fabric. The overall characteristics of this breed are attractive because these goats can survive in all the climates. This breed had become rare in mid-90 but then the remaining original goats were bred with other related breeds to maintain the population of this breed. People having these goats can survive completely on these goats because of their milk and meat production.
Dutch landrace goats are not very much expensive. The benefits of these goats for commercial purpose are not much, so the prices are low. The rarity of this breed does not affect the price of these goats.
Dutch Landrace Goat Milk Production
Dutch landrace goats are not used for commercial purposes. These goats may give birth to their kids twice a year. The lactation period of these goats may last up to 284 days. The amount of milk produced is not enough to do a commercial business. The milk of Dutch landrace goat is germ free and very beneficial for children. The multi vitamins present in the milk of these goats are very beneficial for kids. These goats have the tolerance to survive in extreme conditions. These goats are strong animals and do not fall ill soon.

Dutch Landrace Weight
Dutch landrace goat is a medium sized goat. The weight is also not too much. The average weight of male Dutch landrace goat is 80 lbs. whereas the average weight of female Dutch landrace goat is 60 lbs. there is a minor difference in the weight of both male and female goats.
Dutch Landrace Goat Size
Dutch landrace goat has medium size and the weight is also normal. There is a minor difference in the weight of both the genders. The male Dutch landrace goat is almost 65 cm in height whereas a female Dutch landrace is almost 60 cm in height.
Dutch Landrace Goat Facts
Dutch landrace goat is a special domestic goat which can survive in the extreme climate. The gestation period of these goats is of 150 days and can give birth to their kids twice a year. These goats have an average milk yield. The horns of these breeds are long, unique and strong. The horns are medium in length. The life span of these goats is average. These goats can bear all types of climate extremities. The available colors of these goats are brown, grey and creamy. They have silky texture of their fur coat.
Dutch Landrace Goat Breed
Dutch landrace goat breed is count as rare breed. The origin of these goats is Netherlands. This breed cannot be used for commercial purpose because the milk production as well as meat production is average. Their fur coat is even not mainly used for fabric. The overall characteristics of this breed are attractive because these goats can survive in all the climates. This breed had become rare in mid-90 but then the remaining original goats were bred with other related breeds to maintain the population of this breed. People having these goats can survive completely on these goats because of their milk and meat production.
Dutch Landrace Price
Dutch landrace goats are not very much expensive. The benefits of these goats for commercial purpose are not much, so the prices are low. The rarity of this breed does not affect the price of these goats.