Pelibuey sheep is a domestic sheep breed found in the Caribbean and South America, Mexico. The other names of pelibuey sheep are peliguey, Carnero de Pelo de buey. Tabasco, Cuban Hairy, and Cubano Rojo. The origin of Pelibuey sheep is from the West African Dwarf sheep, Africa. This breed is one of the most famous sheep breeds in Mexico. It covers almost three-quarters of the total sheep population in Cuba, the Caribbean, South America, and Mexico. These sheep show a close resemblance to the Red African, African, West African, or African breed of Venezuela and Columbia. The primary purpose is wool production.
Pelibuey sheep is a small-sized sheep breed. It is available in a variety of colours. The available colours of this sheep breed are beige, black, brown. White, red, dark brown, and the colours could be solid and in a combination of different colours listed above. The pelibuey rams have no horns, but they have throat ruff specifically from ewes. Contrary to rams, pelibuey ewes are polled. Pelibuey sheep is a hairy sheep breed and are raised mainly for wool production. They are known for their wool primarily and then for their meat production. They are suitable to live in a tropical environment.
The size of the pelibuey sheep is small. The size is a variable factor that changes with time. The size of a litter is relatively at 1.24. They have a good growth rate. Pelibuey sheep start lambing at the age of 16 to 19 months and are good at lambing and have extraordinary mothering abilities. The average interval between lambing is less than 210 days. The size of a litter is small and increases as the age proceeds. Their size is easy to keep and manage. They also do not require extra space to live.
Weight of pelibuey sheep increases as the size increases. The average body weight of a mature pelibuey sheep is about 34 to 54 kg. The ewes are comparatively heavier than the rams. When ewes are lambing and producing milk for feeding lambs, they become heavier than normal weight. The rams usually are lighter than the pelibuey ewes. Farmers raising pelibuey sheep do not face hurdles because of their weight and size. The lambs weigh an average of 12 kg at the age of 120 days. They put on weight, but their body is not muscular, and they do not serve for meat production.
Pelibuey sheep live the average lifespan of sheep. On average they are up to 10 to 12 years. The small-sized animals usually live the longest. The growth rate of pelibuey sheep is good. Pelibuey sheep are usually 2.80kg at birth. They serve for wool production throughout their lifespan. When they become mature, their hair grows to the full length then they are shaved. The wool is of high quality and sold at higher rates. At the ending years of their life, they have slaughtered to sell their meat or farmers themselves to enjoy their delicious meat.
The milk production of pelibuey sheep varies as milk is the only food for the lambs in the initial phase of their life. The development and growth of the lamb are totally dependent on maternal milk production. There are multiple factors that affect the production of milk in ewes. The primary factors are genotype, sex of the lamb, health, and nutrition. There is a variation observed in the milk production and the growth of lamb for up to 56 days of age. Their milk is full of nutrients and minerals. Suckling lambs can live only on milk because it provides proper nourishment.
Pelibuey Sheep Facts
Pelibuey sheep is a small-sized sheep breed. It is available in a variety of colours. The available colours of this sheep breed are beige, black, brown. White, red, dark brown, and the colours could be solid and in a combination of different colours listed above. The pelibuey rams have no horns, but they have throat ruff specifically from ewes. Contrary to rams, pelibuey ewes are polled. Pelibuey sheep is a hairy sheep breed and are raised mainly for wool production. They are known for their wool primarily and then for their meat production. They are suitable to live in a tropical environment.

Pelibuey Sheep Size
The size of the pelibuey sheep is small. The size is a variable factor that changes with time. The size of a litter is relatively at 1.24. They have a good growth rate. Pelibuey sheep start lambing at the age of 16 to 19 months and are good at lambing and have extraordinary mothering abilities. The average interval between lambing is less than 210 days. The size of a litter is small and increases as the age proceeds. Their size is easy to keep and manage. They also do not require extra space to live.
Pelibuey Sheep Weight
Weight of pelibuey sheep increases as the size increases. The average body weight of a mature pelibuey sheep is about 34 to 54 kg. The ewes are comparatively heavier than the rams. When ewes are lambing and producing milk for feeding lambs, they become heavier than normal weight. The rams usually are lighter than the pelibuey ewes. Farmers raising pelibuey sheep do not face hurdles because of their weight and size. The lambs weigh an average of 12 kg at the age of 120 days. They put on weight, but their body is not muscular, and they do not serve for meat production.
Pelibuey Sheep Lifespan
Pelibuey sheep live the average lifespan of sheep. On average they are up to 10 to 12 years. The small-sized animals usually live the longest. The growth rate of pelibuey sheep is good. Pelibuey sheep are usually 2.80kg at birth. They serve for wool production throughout their lifespan. When they become mature, their hair grows to the full length then they are shaved. The wool is of high quality and sold at higher rates. At the ending years of their life, they have slaughtered to sell their meat or farmers themselves to enjoy their delicious meat.
Pelibuey Sheep Milk Production
The milk production of pelibuey sheep varies as milk is the only food for the lambs in the initial phase of their life. The development and growth of the lamb are totally dependent on maternal milk production. There are multiple factors that affect the production of milk in ewes. The primary factors are genotype, sex of the lamb, health, and nutrition. There is a variation observed in the milk production and the growth of lamb for up to 56 days of age. Their milk is full of nutrients and minerals. Suckling lambs can live only on milk because it provides proper nourishment.