Umblachery Cattle Origin, Characteristics, Milk per day, Price

The Umblachery breed of cattle is renowned throughout Tamil Nadu for its sturdiness and strength, making it a great choice for use as draught animals. They are found in the eastern coastal areas of Tamilnadu state in India, specifically in the cities of Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam. The breeding tract is located between 0 to 50 meters above mean sea level. The milk from Umblachery animals is used for human consumption, and the cattle themselves are mostly employed for draught work like plowing and carting. The Umblachery cattle are a draught breed of zebu cattle that are mostly utilized for agricultural labor. It is a domesticated breed of cattle indigenous to India. 

    Umblachery Cattle Characteristics

    This breed possesses the following characteristics:
    • They are typically grey, with white tips and backlines. 
    • Calves often have a different coat color than their parents.
    • Calves are often red or brown with white markings. As they age, their color fades to grey.
    • This type of cattle is medium-sized and docile.
    • They feature white patterns on their forehead, limbs, and tail, as well as socks-like markings on their legs.
    • A white star and a shallow groove are often found in the middle of the fairly broad forehead.
    • The ears are small, upright, and horizontally positioned.
    • It has black eyelashes and a black muzzle.
    • Males have a naval flap that is not easily noticeable, and their penal sheaths are well tucked up and concealed.
    • The narrow, short dewlap reaches the sternum.
    • The teats are tiny and spaced widely apart.
    • The udder is underdeveloped; it is bowl-shaped and tucked up against the tummy.
    • In bullocks, the hump is moderately grown and medium in size, whereas in bulls it is strongly developed and short.
    • The hooves are powerful and tiny, black or partly or entirely white.
    • The horns are black, about medium thickness, short, and pointy.
    Umblachery Cattle Origin, Characteristics, Milk per day, Price

    Umblachery Cattle Milk per day

    The medium size of this breed makes it ideal for plowing, hauling, threshing, and leveling in wet paddy fields. The cow has a grey coat with white markings on the face, while the bull has a dark grey coat with black extremities. It has a large and robust forehead. A typical bull is 135 centimeters tall, whereas a cow is 105 centimeters.

    Umblachery animals produce 2058 ± 18 g of partial milk per day on average. The predicted total partial milk output for the lactation period is 494 kg. Umblachery cows provide milk with a fat level of about 4.9% and an annual production of approximately 494 kg.

    Umblachery Cattle Price

    Umblachery cattle are priced differently depending on whether they are a bull, calf, or cow. It has become increasingly important in recent years to preserve the Umblachery breed because of its draught capacity. Farmers have discovered that employing local animals as a source of draught power is not only economical but also accessible to farmers working on a marginal or small scale.

    Unregulated advertising is one of the major problems with selling products made from Umblachery cattle. In addition, the Black Quarter bacterial infection is a severe illness that can be fatal to animals.  The market value of Umblachery cattle is often affected by these elements.

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