Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Characteristics, Eggs, Care, Incubation, Price

The bobwhite quail often called the northern bobwhite or just the bobwhite, is a tiny bird native to North America. The term "bobwhite" is derived onomatopoeically from the bird's distinctive whistling sound. This species has beautiful patterns and blends well with its surroundings. Their feathers are a mix of brown, black, and white, which helps them blend in with the bushes and shrubs they live in. 

Bobwhites are simple to nurture and great joy to hatch. Unlike many other kinds of quail, snowflakes don't mature and start laying eggs until they are about 5 months old.

The Snowflake Bobwhite Quail is an uncommon color variety of the Bobwhite Quail that is derived from the Mexican Speckled Bobwhite Quail. The Snowflake Bobwhite Quail is primarily white, but it has dark speckles that look like small v's all over it. Both males and females are mostly of the same color, but males' facial markings are more black.

    Snowflake Bobwhite Quail are big and strong birds that weigh about 7 ounces. They are excellent birds for hunting and can be bred to provide meat and eggs. They are fascinating and dramatic because of the unusual snowflake coloring.

    The Snowflake Bobwhite Quail, like other varieties of quail, can be grown like any other kind of quail. They are remarkably simple to care for, in addition to being durable and adaptable.

    Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Characteristics, Eggs, Care, Incubation, Price

    Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Eggs

    Bobwhite quail construct their nests on the ground and then line them with a wide range of plant materials and thin sticks. The female mostly lays anywhere from 12 to 14 eggs on average, with a maximum of 28 eggs per clutch. It takes around 23 days for the eggs to mature, during which time both parents are responsible for incubating the eggs.

    When the freshly hatched chicks are fluffy and dry, they probably follow their parents. They are protected from any dangers and guided to sources of nourishment by their mother. The chicks become entirely self-sufficient at around 2 weeks of age.

    Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Care

    These birds are highly sociable and frequently congregate in big flocks. A flock of bobwhites, often known as a "covey," gathers at night and forages throughout the day. Bobwhites, like hens, forage on the ground, typically searching for seeds by scratching at leaf litter.

    When kept by people, bobwhites do best in large aviaries where they can live with many different kinds of birds. Birds that are kept in aviaries appreciate large spaces with lots of coverage. The owners of quails have access to a wide variety of different seed mixes that are prepared for sale in commercial settings. These birds also like eating fresh veggies and bugs.

    Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Incubation

    Incubation requires careful management of a variety of variables, including temperature, humidity, the rate of egg rotation, ventilation, and cleanliness of the environment. Eggs need to be kept at a specific temperature, kept moist, and turned at specific intervals to hatch. Bobwhite quail eggs hatch approximately 23-24 days after being placed in the incubator. The optimal temperature and relative humidity for an incubator using forced air must be roughly 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit and 60 percent, respectively.

    Temperature variations can often lengthen or shorten the total time required for the incubation process. Once the eggs have reached the 21st day of incubation, they are often moved to a separate hatcher. When setters and hatchers are kept separate, the chicks are cleaner and the eggs that are hatching and the eggs that are being set are less likely to get dirty. Humidity levels of 70–75 percent and temperatures of 97–99 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for the hatching machine. The optimal temperature, however, frequently fluctuates depending on machine type and hatchery room circumstances. Incubators with warm or cool regions may have exceptionally lengthy or short incubation durations or low hatchability.

    Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Price

    The production of bobwhite quail has recently gained attention as a potential new line of business for a variety of farming activities. Breeders usually sell day-old chicks for $0.25 to $0.30 per bird, while ready to fly 17-week-old birds sell for $2.80 to $3.00 per bird. The price for ready-to-fly Bobwhite quail may depend a lot on the quality of the birds and when they are available.

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