In the early 16th century, Spanish explorers introduced Pineywoods cattle to the Southeastern United States. The Pineywoods breed became precious during the late 1800s and early 1900s when better English and European cattle were transferred into the Southeast. The Pineywood breed became almost extinct due to the excessive use of crossbreeding. It virtually put an end to the purebred Pineywoods supply. Purebred pineywoods herds were kept carried on hardly by any families. Purebred piney woods herds became set apart with time until each herd became a distinctive and self-sufficient strain. Nowadays, these strains are becoming the most important genetic elements of the breed.
Pineywoods Cattle Milk Production
Pineywoods breed is often used as dairy cattle. The Pineywoods cattle are well trained to produce high quantity and best quality milk. Pineywoods produce rich milk, although they are not mainly considered a dairy breed.

Pineywoods Cattle Temperament
Pineywoods cattle are one of the precious breeds. The Pineywoods cattle are not so picky. The Pineywoods cattle are capable of being productive on marginal pastures. The piney woods cattle are highly resistant to diseases as well as parasites. Pineywoods cattle are a heat-tolerant breed. The temperament of piney woods cattle is variable by the herd. The Pineywoods cattle are small and rugged. The Pineywoods cattle also take advantage of a social structure to train and raise new calves as part of the herd. In case of threats, Pineywoods become aggressive. They are docile and gentle for breeders.
Pineywoods Cattle Beef Quality
The beef quality of Pineywoods cattle is genuinely rare. Pineywoods cattle are small-scale cattle. Pineywoods Cattle Registry Breeders Association is home to many breeders included in retail and wholesale beef production. Their purchasers demand for rich, dark, and clean flavored Pineywood beef. Pineywoods cattle produce approximately 200lbs of meat. Their well-built pasturage-based genetics are reflected in the delicious beef produced by a high-quality grass-fed system. The Pineywoods cattle should be raised in well organized shelter system for better health as better health produces a better quality of Pineywoods beef.
Pineywoods Cattle Taste
The beef of the Pineywoods cattle is rich in flavor. The taste of Pineywoods beef is as good as other high-quality meat. To build up the flavor and tenderness of Pineywoods cattle beef, it has to be dry-aged for 14 days. The Pineywoods cattle are also well-organized grazers. The Pineywoods cattle eat grass and legumes, likewise eat tree leaves, shrubs, and vines, which increase the richness in the taste of Pineywood beef. Like their forefathers, Pineywoods do not eat grains. Higher quality beef of Pineywoods cattle having better taste offers more value. If Pineywoods cattle are short of nutrition, they do not perform well.