A Welsh pig is a domestic breed that is found in Wales. These are big-sized white-colored pigs that are bred in Wales. They are strong enough to survive in extreme climatic conditions. It means that their hardiness is very good. They also do great in outdoor farming systems for pigs. The Welsh pig breed is picked from various towns in Welsh that includes Montgomery, Mid Wales, Carmarthen, Cardigan, and Pembroke. These ordinary-looking white-colored large pigs have pear-shaped bodies. These pigs are heavy and both genders have different weight ranges.
The Welsh pig breed first originated in the 20th century. In the late 20th century, the population of this breed was declined. Their extinction was the real problem faced in the late 20s. So, a rare breed survival trust was established to maintain this traditional pig breed. Nowadays, these pigs are not widely found as purebred animals but are kept to crossbreed. In the year 2005, this breed was labeled as “endangered” but later on, its status was changed to a rare breed. In the year 2008, the number of registered male pigs was 108 which had 24 bloodlines whereas the female registered number was 373 which is a lot larger than males. By the year 2012, their numbers increased.

The welsh pig is a big-sized white-colored breed. It has a pear-shaped body that has thick hind legs. They have a fine coat on their body. Their skin is thin but not wrinkled. Sometimes these pigs have some black spots on their body surface. Their nose is straight, their ears are lopped, and their head is wide. The shoulders of Welsh pigs are flat from the top which supports a leveled back. Their neck is deep and their legs are wide because of the deep rib cage. There are almost 12 teats in both male and female Welsh pigs.
The Welsh pigs are heavy but not overweight or obese. These pigs have an ordinary appearance. The average weight of the male Welsh pig is around 250 kg (550 pounds) whereas the female Welsh pig's weight lies within the range of 150 kg to 200 kg (330 pounds to 440 pounds). It clearly shows that the female Welsh pigs are comparatively lighter in weight than male Welsh pigs. The overall weight of Female Welsh pigs increases when they get pregnant but after delivering their infants, their weight reduces to the normal range.
Growth Rate
The Welsh pig breed grows a bit faster than usual. It is highly recommended to make this breed grow on a standard duration of a minimum of 154 days to slaughter. This could be achieved by feeding them a low-calorie diet. They should be fed with a low protein diet as well that has a protein content below 20%. The post-weaning protein diet is preferred. A faster growth rate may make them grow old soon and near to slaughter that could affect their population.