Hariana Cow Origin, Characteristics, Milk per Day, Price

The Hariana cattle, often written Haryana, are a breed of dairy cattle raised primarily for milk production in their homeland. It is also referred to as Hisar cattle, Hansi cattle, and Haryanvi cattle. Its native region is North India. It is a fairly resilient breed that is well suited to the climate of North India.

The breed is most common in Haryana and the eastern part of Punjab. It belongs to one of the 75 recognized breeds of Zebu cattle. The genetic makeup of zebu is fairly similar to African and South Asian cattle. The Bos primigenius namadicus, sometimes considered a subspecies of the Asian aurochs, is supposed to be the ancestor of Zebu cattle.

During the time of the Indus Valley Civilization, the wild Asian aurochs went extinct in the Indus River valley and other parts of South Asia. This may have been because the wild aurochs bred with domestic zebu, causing wild populations to be split up and lose their habitat.

    Hariana Cow Characteristics

    Hariana cows are a native breed of cattle found in the northern region of India, more specifically in the state of Haryana. They are medium size animals. With a coffin-shaped cranium, the breed is often white or light grey in appearance. Bulls have a moderately black or dark grey coloring between their fore and rear quarters. The creatures have long, thin faces, a bony bump in the middle of the poll, and little horns. The breed is kept primarily for the production of bullocks, as they are powerful labor animals, and hence greater care is paid to the management of male calves. On the other hand, cows generate a respectable amount of milk. Quality cows can produce up to 1700 kg of milk per lactation, whereas typical cows produce approximately 997 kg.

    Hariana Cow Origin, Characteristics, Milk per Day, Price

    Hariana Cow Milk per day

    In North India, Hariana cows are mostly raised for their milk output. They are extremely disease-resistant and have a good adaptation to the climate of North India. According to their dietary needs, Hariana cows necessitate a greater proportion of green feeds and enough water. If you maintain a single bull in your herd, they are excellent breeders and will reproduce without human assistance. Typically, a Hariana cow may produce 10 to 15 liters of milk each day. Quality cows, on the other hand, can produce up to 1700 kg of milk in a lactation, while typical cows produce about 997 kg.

    Hariana Cow Price

    A Haryana cow costs at least 40,000 INR on average in India. In their homeland, Hariana cattle are raised primarily for milk production, while they are also employed as draught animals for work. The breed is exceptionally tough and disease-resistant, and it has adapted well to the environment of North India. As a dairy cattle breed, Haryana cows need more green feeds in their diet. If you maintain a single bull in your herd, they are excellent breeders and will reproduce without human assistance.

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